100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Rainbow City, AL 35906



We are committed to patient satisfaction. Please let us know how your experience was in our office.

“I started seeing McClellan Family Chiropractic after I found out I had 2 ruptured discs, wanting to avoid surgery as long as possible, and Dr. Mike has done just that. He has kept me away from the knife and has helped strengthen my back even more. I do have spells with it due to the type of work I am in, but I have not missed more than a day’s work since coming to Dr. Mike. In my family both my father and brother have had back surgery and I do not want it if at all possible. I feel by seeing Dr. Mike at least I can delay it longer than I would have without him. Now I am sending the rest of my family to him, maybe this will prevent them from having problems. I know it has helped them from being sick as often as they used to be during the school year.

Thank you, Dr. Mike, you have been a big help to me with my needs for my back and my family’s needs, and more. They are learning how to take care of their backs and how aligned spine will affect your health.”

– Arthur W.

“I started chiropractic care in June 2002. I came due to lower back pain as a result from bad body mechanics. When I first came I was in so much pain I could hardly walk. After only 3-4 visits I was feeling completely restored. It has been only 4 months from my initial visit and I am 100% completely restored and renewed. With the help of Dr. Dan, Dr. Mike & Dr. Leslie, God has totally healed my body so that I can function properly. The saying is true that the power that made the body, heals the body. I thank God daily for placing the McClellan family and staff into my life because without them I don’t know where I would be. To God be the glory!”

– Amy B.

“I had fallen on a gym floor and knocked my hip out of line 1 1/2 inches and muscle spasms were increasingly more frequent and painful. Although it took a while to correct I could tell an improvement almost immediately.

My next bout was a tendon around the knee which was causing pain and I thought it was just age and nothing really could be done. Well, I was wrong. Your encouragement to continue treatments paid off. After a few months of adjustments, the pain subsided and it has not returned thanks to your diligent work.

My lower back has given me trouble for many years. Playing sports and hard labor in my earlier years evidently had taken its toll. Well, I thought if Dr. Mike could help other areas maybe I should give him a chance to help with this problem. Am I glad I did. My back has never felt better. I play golf, work in the yard and do anything I want.

Thanks again for your encouragement, positive attitude and your work. You have certainly helped me.”

– Wayne M.

“I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to Drs. Michael & Leslie McClellan for the care I receive on a scheduled basis.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the wonderful professional and caring office staff. Everyone has a hello and big bright smile each time I visit. The office is comfortable and waiting time is minimal.

My first visit to McClellan Family Chiropractic was prompted when I woke up one morning and literally could not get out of bed or walk. I called a friend who immediately brought me to McClellan Family Chiropractic. I was seen immediately and after being treated that day I walked out of the office without assistance and felt better than I had in years.

Because this treatment made me feel so much better I decided to receive Chiropractic Care on a weekly scheduled basis and I feel wonderful.

I have recommended and will continue to recommend McClellan Family Chiropractic to my friends and family.”

– Geneva W.

“I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for everything you have done for me in the past year. It has been one great year for me from a health standpoint. When I first came, I could hardly standup straight in the mornings after waking up because of severe lower back pain. In just a few short months, I went from taking backache medication on a daily basis to no medication at all. I have suffered from seasonal allergies for several years and even that has subsided to such a degree that I rarely have an allergy attack. You can not possibly know how much I thank you, Dr. Leslie, Dr. Mike, Dr. Dan, and all the girls on the staff. You have all been so wonderful that it is truly a joy to go to the doctor.. Haha! I never thought I would say something like that. Before I began my treatments for my back pain, I did not realize how much chiropractic therapy was going to change my life. Instead of dreading things like yard work, work around the house, and even daily life on the job, I now look forward to it because I know, because of you, I can again do the things I enjoy doing. Again, to all of you, my sincere thanks. May God bless you always.”

– Johnny A.

“I have known Dr. Mike McClellan for much of my life and have been a chiropractic patient and brought my 20-month old son in to see him as well. Dr. Mike and Dr. Dan McClellan have really helped my boy. My son had sinus problems and diarrhea from being premature, but both doctors have helped him overcome those issues, and fast. My son has really improved and shown increased strength and stamina because of the treatments at McClellan Family Chiropractic.

Recently I checked with Dr Leslie McClellan about her weight loss program and began to be coached by her to help me lose weight. Her program has helped me lose weight, begin to sleep through the night and learn how to eat healthy meals. I am happy with the program. I enjoy the meals and Dr Leslie’s encouragement. She really makes the difference between success and failure for me.

I highly recommend that if you want to lose weight be sure to talk to Dr Leslie before you do anything else!”

– Stefanie M.

“About twelve years ago I had cervical fusion surgery to repair a ruptured neck disc. I did pretty well for a few years, however, around three years ago I began to have problems. Every time I turned my head to the left, my left arm would go numb and my neck would hurt. After being checked out, it was determined that the vertebra that had been operated on had begun to deteriorate. I did not want to be cut on again, so I decided to come to Dr. Mike McClellan. He evaluated my situation and sent me to a neurosurgeon at the Kirklin Clinic, who gave me an epideural shot to relieve the pain and allow Dr. Mike to perform chiropractic adjustments.

These past 18 months of adjustments have given me my life back. Before Dr. Mike, I was afraid I was going to be disabled from this ailment. The combination of my neurosurgeon and Dr. Mike’s treatment have allowed me to have a normal life.

Around three years ago my then 80-year-old father fell at his church and ruptured one disc and herniated two others. His doctor wanted to do surgery, since my Dad couldn’t get out of bed! We decided to get him to Dr. Mike to get a second opinion. Are we glad we did! Instead of risking surgery on an 80 –year-old, we watched as Dr. Mike treated him with spinal decompression and chiropractic adjustments. In two weeks my Dad went from a walker to a walking cane. At this point Dr. Mike referred him to a neurosurgeon for epidural shots and continued chiropractic treatments. Three months later he was out in his yard doing yard work! Pretty impressive!

Most recently I was diagnosed with spondylolesthesis, which is a misalignment of the spine in my lower back. Dr. Mike has used spinal decompression and adjustments to try and relieve pain and bring the vertebrae back into alignment. He is also sending me back to the neurosurgeon and hopefully epidural shots and continued adjustments will allow me to function normally without surgery.

As you can see, I am a believer. In chiropractic, decompression and Dr. Mike McClellan! If you are suffering from back or neck pain, please check with Dr, Mike first. Don’t risk surgery before you let him evaluate your situation. My Dad and I are both glad we did!“

– Allen H.

“My pain is gone. I have a few sore spots, but they are getting better every day.”

– Steve R.

“The office staff here at Dr. McClellan’s is the best. From the time I walk in the office they all make me feel good.”

– Paul G.

“I have been under your care for nearly two years. During that time, I’ve seen a big improvement in my health. I rarely get colds or sinus infections anymore. I haven’t had to a rescue inhaler in the past year.”

– Lisa W.

“I just wanted to drop you a note to tell you thanks. Every day that I get up and see my husband able to do what he wants to do, rather than what he can do, is just amazing to me.”

– Amy L.

“I was having severe pain in my right neck and hip, also in my lower back. I could hardly move my right ankle from a severe sprain when I was 18 years old. Now I can move it freely and it feels great. I’m not having pain in my neck, hip and back. I consider my self a success story for Dr. Mike McClellan.”

– Steve B.

“Thank you for allowing God to use you both in the healing process of my body. The adjustments of my hip and spine have given great relief of back pain.”

– Steve B.

“You have done so much for my body. Thanks to you this old eighty-year-old lady is able to get around and care for herself.”

– Mary M.

“I can’t speak for all chiropractors but I can speak for mine. I thank them for letting God use them to get my life back on track.”

– Kathy H.

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